
Functions to load JSON or XML files for conversion into authorityspoke objects.

Will usually hand off data to the io.readers module to create authorityspoke objects.

authorityspoke.io.loaders.load_code(filename=None, directory=None, filepath=None)

Create a new Code from an XML filepath.

Defers parsing of the XML until later, which makes “read” in the function name misleading.

  • filename (Optional[str]) – Name of the XML file representing the Code. Ignored if filepath is given.

  • directory (Optional[Path]) – Directory where the XML file can be found. Ignored if filepath is given.

  • filepath (Optional[Path]) – Complete path to the XML file representing the Code, including filename.

Return type



new Code object that can be used to parse the XML to find text of Enactments.

authorityspoke.io.loaders.load_holdings(filename=None, directory=None, filepath=None, regime=None, mentioned=None, report_mentioned=False)

Load a list of Holdings from JSON.

  • filename (Optional[str]) – the name of the JSON file to look in for Rule data in the format that lists mentioned_factors followed by a list of holdings.

  • directory (Optional[Path]) – the path of the directory containing the JSON file.

  • filepath (Optional[Path]) – Complete path to the XML file representing the Code, including filename.

  • mentioned (Optional[List[Factor]]) – A list of Factors that the method needs to expect to find in the Opinion’s holdings, but that won’t be provided within the JSON, if any.

  • report_mentioned (bool) –

Parame regime

Return type

Union[List[Holding], Tuple[List[Holding], Dict[Factor, List[TextQuoteSelector]]]]


a list of Rules from a JSON file in the example_data/holdings subdirectory, from a JSON file.

authorityspoke.io.loaders.load_opinion(filename=None, directory=None, filepath=None, lead_only=True, as_generator=False)

Create and return one or more Opinion objects from JSON.

Relies on the JSON format from the Caselaw Access Project API.

  • filename (Optional[str]) – The name of the input JSON file.

  • directory (Optional[Path]) – The directory where the input JSON file is located.

  • filepath (Optional[Path]) – Complete path to the JSON file representing the Opinion, including filename.

  • lead_only (bool) – If True, returns a single Opinion object, otherwise returns an iterator that yields every Opinion in the case.

  • as_generator (bool) – if True, returns a generator that yields all opinions meeting the query.

Return type

Union[Opinion, Iterator[Opinion], List[Opinion]]